Friday, June 15, 2012

Sugar Addict Alert!!!!

Hello beautiful people! Long time no see, huh? Yea, I know, life picked up.
So onto my purpose for writting today. I have a confession (cue the doomed music), I have been at a plateau for the past 4 months, argh! This weightloss has come to a quick halt and the caution lights are on. I am so ready to get this show back on the road. At least I haven't gained any weight, right? I'm at a place where I'm beginning to figure out why the plateau has happened.

I've come to 2 reasons why this plateau is taking place.
1. My workouts need more cardio.
2. I need to cut back on sweets.

I have been too focused on shaping my body as I lost weight. My train of thought was along the lines of having my skin shape to muscle instead of just sagging. Not thoroughly thinking through that logic is what got me to this place. While i'm happy with the way my body's looking, I can't form muscle fast enough to catch up with fat lost. I was simply not thinking logically. Thank goodness I wasn't totally locked in on this train of thought. Now I understand that I need to kick up the volume of my cardio. I've been doing quite a bit of tabata style exercises lately, which does include weights and focusing on specific body zones. Doing all of that has been great, but I need to do cardio to burn fat, which is the most important piece of this puzzle.

And on to my sugar addiction...

{clears throat} "Uhm hello, I on a weightloss journey and still addicted to sugar." Yes, I wear the sugar badge. I know what you're thinking, "How can she lose over 40lbs and still eat alot of sugar?" Well, I don't have an answer to the question either. I know that I would use portion control, but lately it's been out of control. I recognize what is my problem,  now I need to get a solid solution. During the day, I would say that I eat fairly good. It's after dinner that I have a problem, I start to crave chocolate/sugary tweets everyday.

I've come up with a small strategy for me to at least cut back on the sugar. I bought Blue Bunny Reduced Fat, No Sugar ice cream and some Snack Wells chocolate chip cookie 100 calorie packs. Hopefully, this will help me to gain a better control of this sugar addiction and begin to break this plateau.

Stay tuned,

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